Focus on mental fitness and building resilience within your business


 Emily Dever and Jo Facey from CHESS CONNECT delivered an engaging and valuable session on Mental Fitness at our Festival of New Thinking: Business Resilience.

Overall there were two key points:

  • Mental Fitness – this is a shift in thinking. Rather than focusing on Mental Health.The key point here is to move our focus from mental health – which is the presence or absence of illness and potentially a mental ill health diagnosis – towards focussing on mental fitness

    Mental fitness is the strength or weakness of our thinking patterns, our coping abilities, our self management and self regulation abilities.

  • Growing Resilience in our mental fitness means finding strategies that support us to behave, think and respond to challenges, in more resilient ways. These are activities and actions we take on a daily basis. The idea being that the work we do now, and on a regular basis will help us to respond better when a crisis hits. It is about being aware of what our early warning signs are, having a growth mindset, knowing what gives us mental energy and what depletes us and scheduling in our activities that are joy creators!


CHESS Connect are focused on working with local small businesses to offer help and guidance in this area of mental fitness. They have  put together a suite of resources to support the holistic wellbeing of your business as we all navigate challenge, change and uncertainty.


Self Care through times of change
A guide with practical meaningful steps that you can take to address change and challenging times.

Mentally Healthy Workplace Workshops
A way to collaborate with staft to educate and promote a culture of postive mental fitness in your workplace.

Trauma Informed Workplaces
Trauma informed practice recognises the emotional and psychological wounds we sustain during our lives, how we think about them and how that can impact our emotional, physical and social development.

Workforce Regeneration
Change in the workplace can be stressful and overwhelming for small business owners and their employees, but change also brings positive transformation.

We are sure you will find value in their content and know they are available anytime to discuss your business needs and look forward to connecting with you in the future.

Reach out to the team to find out more:

Emily Dever
Workplace Wellbeing Specialist / Practice Leader, Business & Partnership Development

Joanne Facey
Business Resilience Mentor