Canva for intermediates
Step up your Canva skills. Learn how to create animation and edit videos as well as lots of other great tips and tricks.
Join our specialist digital advisor as she helps you explore the next level of what Canva has to offer and discover how to create your brand and develop Instagram branding. Start designing your social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents and other visual content on Canva.
You will learn how to:
• Design outside of the Canva templates
• Manage your Canva assets
• Create basic videos from still images
At the completion of the session you will have:
• Digital design and composition skills
• Digital capabilities in a range of Canva tools
• Understanding of format types for various applications including social media, video and print
Presenter: Tanya Creer
Tanya has worked in Media and Marketing as a content producer for 26 years. Her various positions have included Art Director, Creative Director & Senior Designer positions in magazine, television, radio, print & digital. Tanya has also worked professionally with small business marketing development and content producing. Her skills include animation, graphic design, copywriting, and campaign management. Tanya currently works for the SRBEC as a digital advisor through the ASBAS scheme helping 100’s of small businesses across the region reach their potential for self-management in the digital and marketing space.
A one-to-one follow up meeting is available to assist you further and embed the ideas/principles of the session. Please contact SRBEC to connect with your local business advisor.
Please read the Terms and conditions for working with ASBAS
Thursday, 29 September 2022 | 10:00 AM
- 11:30 AM